to computer by Fred McCaleb
M Hol. was born Aug the 26, 1825 an died Feb the 26, 1832
G.Hol. was born Nov the 13, 1833 and died Aug the 26, 1834
Mrs. Jane Galloway was born Mar. the 27, 1776 and died Dec. the 31, 1851
Mr. T Galloway was b; Feb the 18. 1773/ and died. Jan. the. 30 1852
B.D. Hollingsworth born July 4, 1868 died Oct 20, 1870 Sleep on dear child and take thy rest God has called you home He thought it best.
John Hollingsworth born Sept. 3, 1792 died Nov. 30, 1880
Marthie daughter of I.W. and E.A. Payane born Aug. 26, 1869 died Aug 6, 1882 In
Paradise thou sharest bliss Never to be found in a world like this.
Infant son of J.M. & P.A. Lowrey born Aug 4, 1884 - died Aug 8, 1884
Infant son of Elijah & Orienia J. Rainey b. & d. Oct. 11, 1888
JepthaHollingsworth born May 18, 1820 died June 30, 1890 The hour of my departures has come I hear the voice that calls me home At last Oh Lord let trouble cease And thy servant die in peace.
D.M. Hollingsworth born June 20, 1848 died November 11, 1892 The race appointed
I have run The combats o'er, the prize is won And now my witness is on high And
now my records in the sky.
Elijah Rainey born July 7, 1859 died Nov. 28, 1893 Another link is
broken In our household band But a chain is forming In a better land.
Zilpha Galloway wife of John Hollingsworth born June 30, 1809 died April 13, 1894
Martha M. Hollingsworth born Nov 23, 1824 died May 24, 1899 I leave the world
without a tear Save for the friends held so dear To heal their sorrows Lord
descend And to the friendless prove a friend.
Pheby M. daughter of Elijah & Jenny Raney born July 10, 1886 died Oct. 29, 1907 Sweetly Sleeping Annie May
Ham daughter of C. K. and Mattie - born March 8, 1907 died April 28, 1908 A
sleep in Jesus
There are many graves with stones but no inscriptions. Compiled by Frances L. Brasher and written as interpreted on stones.
Directions: From Fayette go Highway 43 N. turn Right on Highway 102, go 2.4 miles turn left on
Rd. 53 and go 2.1 miles. This cemetery is about 100 yards to the right in the
Woods at the foot of Ford's Mountain. (At present time, 1990, is behind a brick
house driveway.)