Sunday, April 13, 2008


The information in this article was originally written by FRED MCCALEB and was used in the Hollingsworth Quarterly. Fred has written a lot of material that has showed up in other folks articles. Honor goes out to Fred for all his work over the years.

The McCOLLUM family was one of Fayette County’s earliest. Newman and his
merry band arrived in 1824. About the same time, John HOLLINGSWORTH moved into
the area, as did Daniel FORD and Thomas GALLOWAY. The McCALEBs came sometime

[Newman] McCOLLUM acquired considerable land and built a grist mill and later a
sawmill at present-day Hubbertville. In fact, the community that grew around
the mill was known as McCollum Mill. It remained the name until members of the
HUBBERT family bought the mill and renamed the community Hubbertville. The
McCollum Family Cemetery is located on the small rise at the rear of present
day Hubbertville Cemetery. Most of the names on the markers have long ago
succumbed to the elements and one can only guess who the plots belong to today,
but more than likely Newman and his mother “Beloved Ann” are buried there
along with Sarah and James K. [McCOLLUM].

Newman was evidently a very benevolent man as his will shows many outstanding
loans that he had made to many in the area, much of it uncollected. In any
event, he was well respected and loved by his family as the many descendants
named after him will attest.

James K. was the most colorful of the McCOLLUM clan. He was considered a
“well to do” planter and land speculator of his time. He ran for the state
legislature and was elected to that office. Fred McCALEB has researched the
legislative records for the period and found that James K. was an aggressive
voice for Fayette County. He was a visionary for his time. He proposed as
early as the mid 1800’s a flood-control project for the Sipsey River with the
view towards dredging the river and eventually using it to ship goods downriver.
The dredging issue has surfaced in recent years and remains unresolved to this
day, 150 years later.

There are many stories about James K. Some are only speculation. Sie McCOLLUM
[James K.'s former slave] told the story of James K. and Sie burning the
Fayette County Courthouse [in 1866], obviously to delay the trial over his debt
situation involving his father’s will. Another story tells of his returning
from a visit to Mississippi and finding the river flooded and all of his crops
ruined. The story goes that he walked down to the riverbank and flung his new
hat into the raging water and looked up into the heavens and said, “You’ve
taken every thing else, you might as well have this too.” These legends lead
one to believe that James K. was somewhat of a rogue. However, he was well
thought of in the community as is evidenced by the elections he won. (He may
not have been the only politician in the family. I believe that former
Congressman Bill McCOLLUM of Florida is a descendant of Newman.)

Joseph [McCOLLUM] was the youngest child of Newman and Elizabeth. Indications
are that he was more conservative in his business dealings than James K.
Newman appointed him Executor of his estate. Because of several problems, some
caused by James K., the estate was not settled for 30 years. This put a strain
on Joseph’s relationship with James K., as James K. was forced to sell most of
his assets to settle his part of the estate.

The McCOLLUMs were a restless lot. By 1900 many if not most of the family had
moved west to Arkansas, Oklahoma and Texas. Elizabeth, Newman’s oldest
daughter, and her husband George W. PATTERSON had moved to Uvalde Co., Texas,
in 1847 and many of her kin followed them. Most of them settled in Uvalde
County, near San Antonio, and Cooke & Grayson counties, Texas. Today many of
his descendants can be found further west in New Mexico, Arizona and
California, as well as Texas. It has been this writer’s pleasure to meet
some of these descendants, both personally and by phone and the internet.
Among them are Paula McCOLLUM of California, descended from James K., and
Rolland McCOLLUM of Oklahoma, descended from Newman’s oldest son, Henry.
Henry died an untimely death while on a visit to Fayette County in 1826. His
descendants mostly stayed in South Carolina until the later years. Many of
James K.’s and Joseph’s descendants stayed in Alabama. They married into
families. Most of us are descended from these two brothers.

Newman McCOLLUM’s legacy lives on. We should all take pride in our McCOLLUM
heritage. It is a noble one indeed.