Wednesday, May 7, 2008


Fred McCaleb

Post Office Postmaster Born Where

Armstrong Max C. Armstrong S.C.
Ashville Archibald Sloan Tn.
Athens James W. Exum Va.
Augusta Andrew Baxer Ga.
Bainbridge Lewis Dillahunty N.C.
Belle Fonte Temple Harris N.C.
Belleville Alex. M'Call N.C.
Big Swamp Caleb Niblett S.C.
Blacks Bluff Wm. Black S.C.
Blakely Samuel Haines N.H.
Bluntsville John Gilbreath
Blue Water Samuel D. McMahan
Brownsborough Wm. Veitch N.Y.
Canton Duncan C. Smith N.C.
Carthage Willie Buck
Centreville Henry Potts
Claiborne John Bonner S.C.
Clarksville James Savage, Jr. Ire.
Coosawada James B. Clopton Va.
Cotton Port Wm. Dewoody Tn.
Courtlandt Ira Cartlon Va.
Daletown Burwell B. Bennett
Decatur Henry W. Roads
Demopolis B. Meltier
Ditto's Landing George McCloud Ga.
Doyals Mills Robert Black
Elyton James Dodds Conn.
Erie Thos. H. Herndon Va.
Ernests Store Asa Arington
Fort Crawford John Jerrison
Florence John Craig N.C.
Fort Jackson Reuben Jordan Va.
Ft. Stoddart Thomas Troulman
Gardner's Store Jason Gardner N.C.
Greensborough Frederick Peck Conn.
Greensville Samuel L. Caldwell S.C.
Hargrove Danl. P. Hargrove
Havana Geo. Washington N.C.
Hazle Green Thomas Hart Conn
Huntsville William Atwood Va.
Jackson David Taylor S.C.
Johnson's Mills Bernard Johnson Ga.
Jonesboro Tyler Hardiman
Leighton Wm. Leigh Va.
Liberty Hill John W. Fleming
Line Creek Walter B. Lucas Ga.
Loch Ronza Wm. Graves Ga. Ä.A?
Longmire's Store G. Longmire Va.
Maple's Store Stephen W. Maple Conn.Ä.A?
Meridianville Wm. Horton N.C. Mobile
Benj. S. Smoot Md.
Monacks Wm. Wright
Montgomery John Falconer Md.
Mooreville Wash. Keyes Va.
Moulton Robert B. Cary
Mount Pisgah Chas. Gilmore
Mt. Pleasant Wm. Walker Va.
Pikeville John W. Terrell
Pleasant Ridge Thomas Bradford
Pleasantville David Neel, Sr.
Portland George A. Tyler
St. Stephens James G. Lyon
Selma John B. Griffin S.C.
Shelby Thos. W. Smith N.C.
Somersville M.C. Houston Tn.
Sparta John E. Graham
Suggsville Geo. L. Medlock
Tensaw John Pierce Ma.
Triana R.V. Marye
Tuscaloosa Levin Powell
Tuscumbia Joshua Prout Ma.
Vernon John Bullard Ma.
Village Spring J.D. Harrison
Washington Tim W. Matthews Ga.
Wash. C.H. Jessee Grimey
Willstown Wm. Chamberlin
Wilson Hill Bennet Ware Va.
Woodville Wm. Hainey N.C.

The above data was taken from the 1825 Federal Register found
in Alabama State Archives, Montgomery, Al. by Fred McCaleb. Post
offices were not listed individually for Ala., but were mixed in
with all the U.S. Post Offices. This Federal Register also lists
most other government personnel in the U.S. at that time including
the army and navy, so if you had a soldier in this period of time
you might find info on him in the Federal Register. If I counted
right and copied all the Ala. PO's there were 76 in the state at
that year. By far the biggest one in the state was Huntsville.
Mobile was 2nd, with Florence,Montgomery, Claiborne, Athens,Greensborough,
St.Stephens, Selma, Erie, Courtlandt,and Elyton(Bham)down the list. For the
vicinity of Marion and Fayette Counties there was Cotton Port, Pikeville,
Vernon, and Tensaw with
John Pierce as PM may have been in this area. ”Of the 76 places mentioned as

In 1825 the following are listed on Today's Alabama Road Atla
Ashville,Athens, Bluntsville, Centreville, Clark (for Clarksville),
Courtland, Daleville(for Daletown), Decatur, Demopolis,
Florence, Greensboro, Greenville, Hazel Green, Huntsville, Jackson, Leighton,
Meridianville, Mobile, Montgomery, Moulton, Selma, Shelby, Tuscaloosa,
Tuscumbia, Vernon,Washington, and Woodville. •Vernon is the not the town in
present day Lamar County, Al.

Change gradually wipes away all the old familiar places. Would be interesting to
know what happened to allthese missing places. I know that Elyton became
Birmingham. There is a story behind each missing place that would be
interesting to know.

Copied and commented on by Fred McCaleb from Al. Archives in Montgomery